Maria dos Cacos | Restaurant and Bar, Caldas da Rainha - Portugal Skip to Main

 1 9   T I L E   R E S T A U R A N T   &   B A R 




Food can be a party, a gathering of friends, and that's what Maria dos Cacos - Restaurant and Bar wants to be. Our kitchen offers Mediterranean-inspired snacks, to share. The lunch menu changes every day, depending on what produce is available at the market. And at dinner there are always snacks of the day and the chef's classics, from Portuguese steak, to shrimp and chipotle cornets or onion tart with gorgonzola cheese.

The wine list does justice to the new trend of natural wines or minimal intervention wines, with a focus on producers from the West, who are at the forefront of this movement.

For those looking for a more relaxed atmosphere - and who want to keep an eye on what's going on in the kitchen - the bar area is the ideal place to dine or to drink our cocktails and gins - before, during or after your meal.



Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM and from 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM



The atmosphere of Maria dos Cacos - Restaurant and Bar is an extension of the ceramic identity that shapes the 19 Tile Ceramic Concept. Ceramic details adorn the space, creating an atmosphere that is both elegant and welcoming.

The decorative tiles, the unique pieces of potters from Caldas and the carefully chosen lighting add a touch of authenticity and style to the space.